Unit 3 Exercise 7
Exercise 7: Function Privileges
To grant the Training Role some Function Privileges.
Grant the Training role the Function Privilege of Build Daily Schedules.
Validate that Student1 should be able to see the jobs in MY FIRST SCHEDULE but not all of them. Student1 should only see the first three Windows jobs in the schedule. This is because the Training role only has access to the jobs that the TrainingDept department was assigned to.
Then attempt to to add a UNIX job to the schedule in Job Master. Finally, attempt to change the job status of existing jobs in the daily schedule.
Granting the Function Privilege
- In Library > Security > Access Management
- In the Role list, select Training.
- In the Role Definition section, select Activities
- Expand Schedule.
- Select the checkbox for Build Daily Schedules
- Click Save
Validate Privileges
- Click Logout
- In the Logout pop-up, click yes.
- From the Login screen:
- In the Username field, enter
. - In the Password field, enter
. - Click Login.
- In Library > Administration, select Master Job.
- In the Job list, what do you see?
You should not see Windows Job 1. Why?
Because the Training role associated with the Student1 user has access only to the jobs assigned to the < None > Access Code.
- Edit one of the Windows Jobs, what is the User ID associated with this Job?
The field should be empty. This is because in Exercise 3, we granted the Training role access to SMATRAINING\BATCHUSER and NOT to SMATRAINING\SMAUSER.
DO NOT Change the User ID.
Attempt to Add a UNIX Job
- Click Back in the upper right corner.
- Click Add.
- In Job Type field, try to select UNIX.
- What happens?
- Can you select a UNIX machine? You can’t add a UNIX Job because the role is not assigned to any UNIX machine.
- Close Library
Change Job Statuses in Operations
- In the Operation section, click Processes in the top right corner.
- In the Schedule Build screen:
- In the Scheduling Dates section, validate that today is selected for both From and To.
- In the Schedule Build section, select Released
- Toggle Overwrite Existing Schedules on
- In the Schedule List section, select My First Schedule.
- Click Build.
- On the Build screen, expand out the date until you can click on the Schedule Name.
- Once in the Processes screen, make sure that My First Schedule is in the Schedule section.
- In the Job section, right click Windows Job 2 and select Release. The job should move to a Waiting on Dependency status.
- Right-Click Windows Job 2 again and click Force Start.
- Notice that Force Start is not enabled.
- Why?
- Because the Force-Start Job Departmental Function Privilege is not granted to this user’s role.
- Right-click Windows Job 3 and notice that the Cancel option is not enabled.
- Why?
- Because the Cancel Jobs Departmental Function Privilege is not granted to this user’s role.
- Logout of Solution Manager once My First Schedule is complete
- Log back in by clicking the Login with Windows button.
- Right-click Windows Job 1 and select Release to allow the jobs in My First Schedule to complete.
Reset the Jobs to Original State
- In Library > Administration > Master Jobs
- Using the Schedule Filter at the top of the Schedule Column, locate My First Schedule.
- Edit Windows Job 1, Windows Job 2, and Windows Job 3 to change the Build Status to be Released.
- Close Library.
Enterprise Manager
Granting the Function Privilege
- In Security, expand Privileges, double click on Function Privileges.
- In the Select Role drop-down, select Training.
- In the Revoked column, select Build Daily Schedules and using the green arrow move the privilege to the Granted column.
- Close the Function Privileges tab.
- Open the Matrix view and check if My First Schedule is completed. If not, cancel any Job that is keeping the Schedule open.
- Close the Matrix view.
Validate Privileges
- Click the Lock icon in the top left corner to log out of Enterprise Manager.
- In the Confirm Logout window, click OK.
- From the OpCon/xps Login screen:
- In the Username field, enter
. - In the Password field, enter
. - Click Login.
- In Administration section, double click Job Master.
- In the Schedule drop-down, select My First Schedule.
- In the Job Drop-down, what do you see?
You should only see 3 Windows Jobs. Why?
Because the Training role associated with the Student1 user has access only to the jobs assigned to the TrainingDept.
- Select Windows Job 1, what is the User ID associated with this Job?
The field should be empty. This is becuase in Exercise 3, we granted the Training role access to SMATRAINING\BATCHUSER and NOT to SMATRAINING\SMAUSER.
DO NOT Change the User ID.
Attempt to Add a UNIX Job
- Click Add in the upper right corner.
- In Job Type field, try to select UNIX.
- What happens?
- Can you select a UNIX machine? You can’t add a UNIX Job because the role is not assigned to any UNIX machine.
- Click Cancel in the top right corner.
- Close the Job Master tab.
Change Job Statuses in Matrix
18. In the Operation section, double click Schedule Build. 19. In the Schedule Build** pop-up window:
- In the Scheudle Selection section, select My First Schedule.
- In the Scheduling Dates section, validate that today is selected for both Start and Stop.
- Check the box for Overwrite existing schedules.
- Click Build.
- In the Build Properties window, select Released and OK.
- Close the Schedule Build pop-up window
- In the Operation section, double click Matrix.
- In the Calendar on the Matrix screen, make sure today’s date is selected.
- In the Schedule section, select My First Schedule.
- In the Job section, right click Windows Job 2 and select Release. The job should move to a Waiting on Dependency status.
- Right-Click Windows Job 2 again and click Force Start.
- Notice that Force Start is not enabled.
- Why?
- Because the Force-Start Job Departmental Function Privilege is not granted to this user’s role.
- Right-click Windows Job 3 and notice that the Cancel option is not enabled.
- Why?
- Because the Cancel Jobs Departmental Function Privilege is not granted to this user’s role.
- Right-click Windows Job 1 and select Release to allow the jobs in My First Schedule to complete.
- Click the Lock icon to logout of Enterprise Manager.
- Click OK to confirm you are logging out.
- Leave both the Username and the Password fields blank.
- Click Login.